Hiring Better: Your Business – The Movie

Published with the permission of OMS Distributor Harry Lakin, Founder of Hire Capacity

A great film director once said “90% of my job is casting. If I cast the right actors in the right roles, the movie will be amazing and I can take 100% of the credit for just 10% of the work.”

Hiring for your business works in a similar way – the right people in the right roles means higher productivity, greater quality, and a better overall experience for everyone. Let’s just say…a bigger take at the box-office!  And you, lucky hiring manager, get to reap the rewards and take credit for a job well done.

You see, my friend, you are the casting director for the movie that is your business. The tricky part is figuring out just who should slot in what roles when hiring time comes around.

Cast The Right People In The Right Roles!

Tom Hanks and Morgan Freeman are both Academy Award winning actors, with tons of talent; but suffice it to say each actor is more qualified for certain roles than the other.

Shawshank Redemption would have been an entirely different movie if Tom Hanks had been Bobby Dufresne’s prison friend Red and frankly, I can’t even imagine Morgan Freeman as Forrest Gump. Can you?

The same holds true for your business. It’s incumbent upon you to match the right candidate with the right role, often with only a resume and an interview as your guide. Wouldn’t it be so much simpler (not to mention faster) if you had more and deeper information…like a way to peek inside of your candidate’s heart and brain to help you figure out which candidates are best suited to the rigors of the positions you need to fill?



Behavioral Assessment makes the hard work easy, so you have a meaningful way of matching candidates with positions.

Of course, the flip side is the need to completely understand exactly what the position you are trying to fill calls for in a candidate. Every role requires behaviors that high achieves will possess. You need to understand what those qualities are…before you even talk with your first candidate.

We can’t start filming until we have a script.

Just as a director would never start awarding parts without a script, you should never begin to hire without building a job model for the role at hand. After all, if you don’t have a target, how do you know what you’re aiming for? 

More often than not, jobs are a lot broader than what’s written in a simple job description.  Often, we wear a lot more hats than just the one with our title on it. For example, some sales roles also demand a lot of the functions customer service typically provides when something goes awry. Likewise, a delivery tech may also be required to deal with workplace safety from time to time. And we all know that hiring managers also have to have some measure of HR ability. In short, job descriptions are not all-encompassing and are not really what candidates should ultimately be measured against. What we really need to do is build a great job model to compare candidates to.

Creating a job model is not as daunting as it sounds. In many cases, using the right tools a comprehensive job model can be created in less than an hour.

Once this job model is in hand, you can begin to objectively compare candidates against the role and indeed individual candidates against each other to find the best of the best for your company.

So, while you may not actually end up hiring Tom Hanks or Morgan Freeman – if you hire the right people for the right jobs, you’ll be well on your way toward business stardom yourself!

Though if Morgan Freeman does walk through your door, hire him. Don’t even do an interview, just hire him.

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Originally published on LinkedIn

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